Handled privileged information, such as borrower records, patent applications, and settlements. Performed document review to determine the type of document, the relevant dates based upon a record retention schedule, and its subsequent retention or destruction.
Travis County Mental Health Public Defender, Austin, TX
Legal Intern, 09/13/10-12/13/10
Provided legal and social work services to clients during and after incarceration.
Performed legal research; and made various client and family contacts.
Staffed cases during court and aided in discovery.
Learned the criminal process for those who have a mental illness or are developmentally disabled.
Texas Legislative Internship Program, Austin, TX
Assistant Clerk/Policy Analyst – State Senator Rodney Ellis, 01/13/09-06/01/09
Organized amendments and substitutes to legislation while in the committee process.
Researched public policy and provided recommendations.
Met with constituents and stakeholders to discuss possible legislation.
Monitored legislation and provided necessary research for meetings, hearings, and floor debates.
Assistant clerk for Senate Committee on Government Organization that conducted hearings on sunset review of the Texas Department of Insurance in the 81st legislative session.
Communities In Schools of South Carolina, Inc., Columbia, SC
Program Assistant - AmeriCorps. *VISTA Volunteer, 07/2005-07/2006
Served as the lead contact for the Can We Talk? program in South Carolina.
Managed and implemented training’s, workshops, and meetings for Can We Talk?.
Created databases and announcements for the management of grant funded programs.
Drafted the 2006 Board of Directors manual; Improved and updated the website.
Grant writing, resource development, fundraising, marketing, and public relations.
The Dangote Group Ltd., Lagos, Nigeria
Student Trainee, Summer 2003
Involved in learning the many aspects of The Dangote Group (manufacturing company).
Took part in off-site education with The Dangote Group and their partner companies.
Sexual Trauma Services of the Midlands, Columbia, SC
Certified Rape Counselor, 09/2003-05/2005
Completed training program to become a certified rape counselor.
Responded to emergency hotline telephone calls through telephone and hospital representation.